Science-Based Pest Control

Aristotle once said, "The whole is greater than the summer of its parts." That saying describes the destructive potential of a termite colony well. Individually, these tiny insects may not seem menacing. However, if left unchecked, a colony of termites can damage (and sometimes destroy) homes, office buildings, wooden fences, decks, woodpiles, and other cellulose containing items.

The following course provides a foundation for anyone interested in termite biology and behavior. The course will discuss:

  • A high-level introduction to build appreciation for this group of insects
  • A general overview of termite biology and behavior
  • A more focused discussion on the three broad groups of termites and one invasive species
  • Evidence to look for and best practices when performing termite inspections
  • A quick look at the broad categories of control options available

Learners taking this course will self-guide through a series of video lectures with audio and closed captioning, short assessments, a reading and comprehension section, and test their knowledge with a 10-question quiz. Participants who complete the course successfully will be awarded a unique certificate that can be used to show knowledge and growth to progress their career.

About Jennifer R. Gordon

Jennifer R. Gordon earned her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in entomology. She is the founder and principal consultant at Bug Lessons and has spoken all over the world at scientific conferences, corporate meetings, sales presentations, committee meetings, in-person and virtual trainings, and more. For three European markets, she educated customers and employees resulting in a 32% increase in sales. Her technical experiences include insecticide resistance, bed bugs, mosquitoes, surface disinfection, fumigation and urban pest management. Gordon has worked in the consumer-packaged goods, professional products, and service provider industries developing products and strategies and performing services that protect public health.

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